Here at Delta Dental of Colorado, we’re working to make our operations more environmentally friendly. Just like we all do at home, we’re trying to move towards work processes and communications that don’t add to the landfill. We’re proud to have a Green Team that sponsors regular activities to help us all be more conscious environmental stewards.
Many of our efforts have been focused on moving from paper to digital communications. Some examples are:
– All newsletters are now electronic.
– We have a long-term goal of sending all Explanation of Benefits forms to our one million members electronically. This move alone will cut down on more than 1.5 million pieces of paper sent in paper envelopes through the U.S. mail each year.
– We are moving all of our billing and eligibility communications to our more than 3,000 groups from paper to electronic format.
Recently, the Green Team sponsored a “Spring Cleaning Day”. With all of our employees participating, we were able to recycle thousands of pounds of paper. Additionally, a truck full of gently used offices supplies were delivered to charitable organizations that provide supplies to public school teachers. Very little was sent to the landfill.
We’re also tackling CO2 emissions by encouraging employees to telecommute one to two days per week. And, regular educational activities help keep our employees conscious of the need to minimize our carbon footprint. Recently, all employees and their families were treated to the annual Earth Day movie produced by Disney and regular monthly tips for going green are provided at All Employee meetings.
If you have suggestions for how we can promote more environmentally friendly practices, please leave your suggestions in the comments.