Different people need different dental plans. That’s why we offer both Delta Dental PPO™ vs. Premier® But what’s the difference between these two dental plans? Whether you’re currently a member, soon to be, or just shopping around, we’ll explain how these things work.
What is Delta Dental PPO?
PPO stands for preferred provider organization. Dentists who are in our preferred provider organization charge reduced fees for covered services. That means that Delta Dental of Colorado members receive the greatest savings when they visit Delta Dental PPO providers. A group of providers is often called a network. Our PPO provider network is our second-largest provider network, but it offers the lowest out-of-pocket costs.
What is Delta Dental Premier?
Delta Dental of Colorado’s Premier dental plan offers the largest network of dentists out of all our dental plans. The dentists in this offering agreed to pre-negotiated fees for procedures, which means they can’t bill you more than your coinsurance or copay and deductible for covered services.
Your dental plan will determine what network of dentists you should choose from. An in-network dentist is one who has agreed to accept pre-established costs for services, saving you money over an out-of-network provider. You will save the most by visiting a dentist in your plan’s network.
Always make sure to check your plan specifics to see if you are required to see a PPO provider.
Both Delta Dental PPO™ and Delta Dental Premier® providers work with us directly for claims and payment — so you don’t have to worry about any paperwork. Both dental plans have an annual maximum and deductible, so click to learn more about how those affect you.
Interested in the exact cost of a service? Click here to access our Cost Estimator tool, enter the treatment and your Zip code, and get an estimate of the cost. It’s that simple! Another option is to have your dentist submit a pre-treatment estimate, which will tell you exactly what is covered and what isn’t.
Click here to learn more about our plans. Already a member? Sign into your account today.