If you don’t wear glasses or contacts, you still need to get regular eye exams. Not doing so could put your health at as much risk as not visiting the dentist.
Healthy vision is easy to maintain at any stage in your life. Eye exams not only check for poor vision, they also reveal warning signs of other health diseases. Below are 3 diseases your eye doctor can detect symptoms for:
1. Hypertension
Your eyes have tiny blood vessels running throughout each one. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can cause the retina’s blood vessel walls to thicken, straining the blood vessels within the eye. This strain, in some cases, will cause the retina to swell and could affect eyesight. Upon examinations, an eye doctor would be able to see this strain and open the discussion to addressing the health issue.
2. Cardiovascular Disease
Visual symptoms, such as periodic blurry vision, can often be a warning sign of cardiovascular issues. Your vision may seem fine and your eye pressure normal, but it’s in the depths of the eye that can show so much more. Eye doctors have the tools to take a deeper look into your eyes, which can expose hidden messages.
3. Diabetes
Again, the minuscule vessels in your eyes are extremely fragile. Symptoms such as blood or fluid seepage, which can be a sign of diabetes, are detectable by the optometrist. Diabetes can cause severe vision loss and blindness if left untreated.
Vision health is similar to oral health in that serious problems can develop from lack of preventive care. Scheduling preventive eye exams can reduce care costs in the long run.
Eye exams are quick and easy, usually lasting between 30-60 minutes. How often you should visit your eye care professional varies from person to person, but annual visits are recommended and often are covered under group insurance. Not sure if your benefits package includes vision coverage? Talk to your HR person and discuss what vision coverage options are available for you.