With the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affordable Care Act on Thursday, much will be changing within the health care system, but much will also remain the same. Delta Dental remains committed to its mission of improving the oral health of all Americans. We will continue to pursue this mission by providing affordable benefit plans and through our community benefit programs that brings free care and education to millions each year.
With those fundamental cornerstones of Delta Dental of Colorado still in place, there are some items that will change.
The Court’s ruling means that by the year 2014, individuals and employees of small businesses will have new opportunities to shop for medical and dental benefits on state and federally-facilitated exchanges. As the nation’s largest provider of dental benefits, Delta Dental will work with exchange developers to protect consumers’ rights to keep their own dentist, to keep their current dental coverage and to comparatively shop for all of their dental benefit options.
Please check back here for ongoing updates about the Affordable Care Act and let us know about your concerns as a comment to the blog, on Facebook or Twitter: @DeltaDentalCO.