Like a writer with a pen or a painter with a paintbrush, your dentist has certain tools that help keep your mouth happy and healthy. Filled with these special tools, dental offices can be somewhat intimidating, especially when many of those special tools have sharp points at the … [Read more...]
Fear Your Dental Cleaning? Maybe an Ultrasound Can Help
Pain is a major reason that adults avoid the dentist. 74% of Americans polled said that pain during treatment was the reason they don’t go to the dentist. But, many don’t realize that, like other industries, dentistry has evolved with the patient in mind. Today, many dental … [Read more...]
Diabetes Prevention is in Your Hands…and in Your Mouth!
I bet you think the only reason to brush your teeth is to keep those pearly whites clean and healthy. While that should be a good enough reason in itself, here is another: diabetes prevention! That’s right, keeping your mouth healthy aids in diabetes prevention and control. … [Read more...]
Top 3 Oral Health Risks for Older Adults
As we age, caring for our bodies becomes a priority and oral health often takes a back seat. We hope seniors reverse this trend because as you age, your oral health risk increases. Here are three of the most common problems and how to help the seniors in your life avoid … [Read more...]