It was a cold, snowy day in Colorado, but my trusty wings safely carried me to the Village of Healthy Smiles grand opening. The Children’s Museum was fluttering with new friends, familiar faces and fairies of all ages. My friends and I shared smiles and stories. … [Read more...]
National Dentist Day: Why Do You Heart Your Dentist?
Celebrating dentists on National Dentist Day Every year, National Dentist Day falls on March 6, and it’s one of our favorite days! Some of us love visiting the dentist because we truly enjoy being around them. Others love that minty-fresh feeling you get afterward and the … [Read more...]
Journey to the Village of Healthy Smiles: Now Appearing at the Denver Children’s Museum
Have you heard the news? There’s a magical new place at the Children’s Museum of Denver that’s filled with vibrant smiles and toothy grins! The Delta Dental of Colorado Foundation is pleased to unveil our Village of Healthy Smiles exhibit. … [Read more...]
Juice Truths for #WaterWednesday
We all know brushing and flossing are important for a healthy smile, but we often don’t consider how what we eat, and especially drink, affects our teeth. One of the most detrimental things for our children’s teeth is sugar, especially when it’s in the form of juice and other … [Read more...]
Invest in a Dental Plan Before Open Enrollment Ends
Connect for Health Colorado’s open enrollment period is nearly over. Enroll in a dental plan before February 15, and make it Delta Dental of Colorado. Here’s why: … [Read more...]