The holiday hubbub is over, and now it’s simply…January. This chilly and anti-climatic month can leave some of us down in the dumps. If you’re stuck inside with nothing to do, try these boredom busters. Keep your chin up — smiles are on the horizon! … [Read more...]
New Study Reveals Businesses’ Opinions on Affordable Care Act
In late 2014, Delta Dental of Colorado commissioned a statewide survey of Colorado small business owners and employee benefits decision-makers to understand the impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on their businesses and employee benefits strategies. Here were some key … [Read more...]
How Colorado is Taking Care of Kids’ Teeth [INFOGRAPHIC]
Light Up Your Smile at Hudson Gardens
When the holiday seasons comes near, there’s nothing like twinkling lights, holiday music, and the smell of pine and peppermint to help you get into the spirit. Here in Colorado, we're fortunate to have "A Hudson Christmas" right in our backyard. The Hudson Garden Holiday … [Read more...]
You’ll Never Guess What Else Causes Cavities in Children’s Teeth
Candy isn’t the only cavity-causing culprit. Sugary drinks are everywhere — and they’re wreaking havoc on children’s teeth. … [Read more...]